Sunday, March 17, 2013

What is Due This Week?

Action is the foundational key to all success.
::: Pablo Picasso :::


Week 1
-Introductory Bio posted to class blog

-Install Software

-Create portfolio, post fotothing screen name to class blog

-Create Project 1, The Dot and post one or two examples to the blog and invite others to your fotothing portfolio to see the others in the series...

Criteria for weekly grade:
A: Inventive use of space in your dot project. Bio positive. Fotothing portfolio created. Comments posted on blog in response to others work. You have taken the outline of the process and moved it in your own direction.

B: One element of this week's requirements missing. or All elements there but showed little in the way of inventiveness..

C: Two elements are missing... i.e., no bio, no fotothing but dots posted to blog. Dot project well done and perceptive.

D: Two elements missing and there is an attempt at creating "The Dot" but you missed the idea, work was sloppy, etc.... Big gap in understanding how to post, etc.

F: No work found for the week.

From the Rubric, linked on the upper right side of the blog.

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