Monday, March 25, 2013

Week 1 Bio/Fotothing

Hello everyone. My name is William Montgomery. This is my last year at AMC and my field of choice is Criminal Justice/Psychology. I plan on learning a lot about 2-D art using photoshop.

My fotothing acct is: William1284


Sunday, March 24, 2013

CS2 Installer

Is anyone else having issues installing the CS2 program for photoshop?  I've been trying to do it since last night and it downloads halfway then stops.  So far I only have CD 1 downloaded and only part of CD 3.  CD 2 does not seem to be working at all for me....


Hello everyone,

 My name is Dakota and I'm currently a full-time night student here at Albertus. I have a little over a year left to go. I'm currently a business finance major. My plans are either to work for a corporation or to start my own corporation in the entertainment industry. One of my favorite quotes is if you do what you love, you'll never have to work a day in your life.

Presently, I work as a per-diem case manager for the Recovery Network of Programs. They specialize in transitional housing working with resident with co-occurring disorders(mental health and addiction). I also just recently started an internship at the Bridgeport Housing Authority. My belief is that you can never learn enough.

I look forward to this class and learning more about the arts and ideas.


Hey name is Christina. I am a senior at Albertus and will be graduating in May. Can't wait! I'm a Promotional Communications major and I have taken a few other classes with Jerry. Hope this one is just as good!

Fotothing Username: JustChris

Bio and Fotothing Account

Hello everyone!  My name is Whitney Finnegan and I am a junior here at Albertus Magnus College.  I am majoring in business management and hope to earn my BS in December of this year.  I am currently a full time student, employee and mother to a three year old little girl.  I have worked for a family owned, private orthopedic surgery practice out of New Haven for the past eight years, and once I complete my schooling I hope to manage a medical office/facility such as the one I work for now.   In my spare time, I volunteer as a cheerleading coach for the West Haven Pop Warner Football League.  This is my fourth year coaching, and I currently have a roster of 30 girls, ranging from ages 11 to 13.

My Fotothing user name is wfinnegan.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

What is Due This Week?

Action is the foundational key to all success.
::: Pablo Picasso :::


Week 1
-Introductory Bio posted to class blog

-Install Software

-Create portfolio, post fotothing screen name to class blog

-Create Project 1, The Dot and post one or two examples to the blog and invite others to your fotothing portfolio to see the others in the series...

Criteria for weekly grade:
A: Inventive use of space in your dot project. Bio positive. Fotothing portfolio created. Comments posted on blog in response to others work. You have taken the outline of the process and moved it in your own direction.

B: One element of this week's requirements missing. or All elements there but showed little in the way of inventiveness..

C: Two elements are missing... i.e., no bio, no fotothing but dots posted to blog. Dot project well done and perceptive.

D: Two elements missing and there is an attempt at creating "The Dot" but you missed the idea, work was sloppy, etc.... Big gap in understanding how to post, etc.

F: No work found for the week.

From the Rubric, linked on the upper right side of the blog.

Welcome to Two Dimensional Design!

Welcome to Mod 4  and Two Dimensional Design class.  Here is a link to the syllabus for the class:

Take time to read through it to become familiar with the projects you will work on  over the course of the next 8 weeks.  The class blog is here:

I had blogger send you an invitation to your email address... open the email and click on the link inside to bring you to a sign in page for the blog.  This time, use your same Albertus log in and we shouldn't have any issues with posting.

Click on the link to the blog from the last time this was offered in ADP at the top of the syllabus to get a feel for the projects.

Here is a video I created on how to post to the class blog for newbies...

You will post 4 of your examples of your work for the current work along with some commentary and will put the balance of your work on your free account...

Email me with any questions!  There are only 4 in the class and this ist below the cutoff for a viable class ... but I decided to do this anyway as a tutorial.

Looking forward to working with you!

